Lateral Research

Sand is a natural material that is made of decomposed rocks, corals, and shell. It was used in ancient times to to grind and polish stones to make them into tools or other objects that they can use. There is also some indications that sand was used as part of the process to create glass. Another fact to take into consideration is that the color of glass normally depends on the material that makes up a large portion of it.

Plastic is a material that is widely use by people today. Given that its a material dangerous to the environment and its wildlife, plastic is usually recycled by people due to it being a material that can be heated down an reused. Its said that plastic came from the use of rubber in old times. In the United States plastic became widely use starting in the years 1930 and 1940, which lead to the modern plastic we have today.

Glass is a material that has been created around 3000 BC. Glass has been used to create or be part of many items that people now use in present time like glass bottles, utensils and mirrors.

Whales are the largest animal found on the planet, some even say that they are bigger then the dinosaurs of prehistoric times. All whales belong to a group called cetaceans, with there being two different types, there are the toothed and baleen whales. Many of the species of whales are in danger of becoming extinct, most of them being baleen whales being hunted by commercial whalers.
Citroen DS
This vehicle was created in 1955 by Flaminio Bertoni, due to its design it became a widely popular car. The cars self leveling suspension, powered steering, clutch and brakes were also another part as to why the car became popular. While it may have not been one of the greatest cars ever created it gained much fame due to there been many celebrities that bought the car.

Wooden Oars/Paddles are objects that are use to steer boats out on water. They can come in different shapes and dimensions which normally depends on what they are going to be used for. In the old days most paddles/oars where made of wood which made is so that not many of the have survived the test of time. In our current time paddles/oars can still be made of wood, plastic, fiberglass, or aluminum, these materials alone or combined can be used to create a paddle/oar.

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